2/04/2011 05:22:00 PM

Website Redesign

I get bored easily. I dye, cut, or shave my hair on a whim because it's been the same for too long. I randomly feel the need to repaint, redecorate, and rearrange my surroundings. It's just the way I am. And it's been a year since I designed my website, so it's definitely time to change things up in that department.

I realized how much I hated having to load up Dreamweaver and start planning and changes I wanted to make to the site. That was before the real work even began. Once I had made the changes and fought through something going wrong every step of the way, I finally had to upload the changes. Of course, once I was done I would inevitably realize I'd done something wrong somewhere along the way or it didn't show correctly in a certain browser (*cough* Safari and IE, I'm looking at you *cough*).

So, I decided that not only was I going to redesign the site, I was going to make a fundamental change to it. Blogger now gives you up to ten 'Pages'. Nifty, static pages that they are, they were essentially the same pages I had linked at the top of my old site. Which means that I essentially have no reason not to use Blogger as the base for my page and simply host it through my own domain.

It means content changes will be easier. All the stuff for my page will be backed up, not only across 2 of my computers and Dropbox, but through blogger as well. Whenever I'm the teensiest bit bored I can change the style of my page with relative ease and thousands of gorgeously built layouts to choose from. All in all, it works much better for me. 

What does this mean for you, if you're visiting my site or getting this through an RSS feed? That it might be a little dusty around here as I renovate over the next week or so. Also, if you're getting this through a feed, I apologize in advance. Because of the rebuild I will have to post any of the old entries I would like to save. Which might flood your reader. I am very sorry. Please know that I am not reposting all entries, just the ones I feel have some merit worth saving, and that it will be over sometime in the next fews days. Thank you for your patience.