2/04/2011 05:34:00 PM

2011: So far we've had the good and the bad. Must we have the ugly?

I jinxed my kitty by talking about him. The day after my post he ate my roommate’s peace lily. Which is apparently highly toxic to critters. But, after a scary stay at the vet’s, he just came home. He may also now be the most expensive thing in said house. 
That was the bad. What was the good? My new nephew was born this morning!

Landon was this morning, bumping Oliver and I into the double digits for nieces and nephews, though he is the first on my side of the family. We got to stop by the hospital this afternoon and see him before we had to go pick Baal up from the vet. He is so cute and tiny. Also he has super long fingers. I wonder if my newest nephew is destined to be a pianist.
Personally, 2011, I’d be perfectly happy if you’d skip on the ugly. So, I mean, feel free to save yourself some time and just skip it. I’ll bask in the good.