9/27/2011 05:59:00 PM

30 Goals for 30

Yesterday I turned 27. Not a particularly significant event in our society. But it had me thinking about my life, what I've done, what I still want to do. I only have three years left before 30. Which made my brain to its twitchy little thing where it starts forming lists. And 30 Goals for 30 was born.

It started as just a list of things to work towards, and then very quickly got edited and turned into a list of things to push myself. Push myself to try new things, get over fears, push the boundaries of what I can do.

  • write 6 novels 
  • write 36 short stories
  • run a marathon by my 30th birthday
  • read 300 books
  • learn another language
  • learn to knit (make a pair of socks, a pair of fingerless gloves, and a Doctor Who scarf as proof)
  • start rock climbing
  • take krav maga classes
  • join a roller derby team
  • cook 156 new recipes
  • write 156 handwritten letters to my grandparents
  • write 1095 diary entries
  • take 1095 pictures
  • take a stained glass or glass blowing class
  • take a belly dance class
  • learn to play an instrument
  • do 288 hours of community service
  • go to a ren faire in a costume I made myself
  • go to a combination of 12 plays/symphonies/art exhibits
  • vote in every election after spending adequate time familiarizing myself with the options
  • start doing either yoga or pilates, or a combination of the two
  • take a class at my local community college for something I do not want to go back to school for
  • read the dictionary
  • watch 156 classic movies
  • pass the FBI physical exam
  • take a firearms class
  • take a fencing class
  • take a kendo class
  • eat at 18 new-to-me non-chain restaurants
  • take a trip to someplace I've never been

So, aside from my interests in writing and cooking and rambling on the internet, this has just become a place where I will also track my progress towards these 30 goals and pushing myself as a person. Expect sporadic updates as I work towards them.

Though, I have decided that since I came up with this list last week, I will count the two books I've read since then, Anna and the French Kiss and Hex Hall (somebody got a Nook for her birthday and fell in love with reading all over again). But all three of these things deserve their own posts, because ZOMG!

So 2 books down, 298 to go. This is one goal I'm definitely feeling good about. Also, the marathon goal is daunting, but I've re-started my one mile walks and my mother is getting me new walking/jogging shoes for my birthday. It might take all three years, but I can do eet! Go me! :)